Monday, January 9, 2017

“Friends” – How many of us have them?

Many of us say people we know are our friends, it’s a pretty lose term in society today. What is a friend? How can we distinguish between a friend and just another person we happen to know? If we look in the word God has given us a clear defined answer to these questions. The NIV Proverbs 18:24, “One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” Wow! You mean to tell me when you have that flat and you call John up and he says sorry I cannot come help every time you need him. Let the game be on and you have some food over the house or ready to hit a sports bar he is always ready for that. Yet you call this dude your friend. Or, how about for you ladies when you call Suzie up and ask her does she mind helping you with the kids and every time she is busy. Then later you call and she is ready to go shopping or hit the club with you. That’s your girl, right? We have instructions ladies and gentleman that is an unreliable “friend” who will soon come to bring you pain and suffering so why are you calling them your friend. That’s not your friend that’s somebody you just happen to know. That guy or girl that is there every time you need them, that person you can count on is your friend. The one who is with you when the times are rough praying with you and for you. The one who has two dollars and gives you one. That person you can tell anything and nobody knows but you that person and God. The NLT Proverbs 17:17, “A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need.” This is not some made up narrative I’m trying to make you believe, this is the instruction God has left for us. So, every time you have a problem there is Cindy Lu like, “Yeah girl” agreeing with every negative word that comes out your mouth. You know when two or more agree what that means. So now your negativity has more power besides you speaking it into the atmosphere. That’s not a friend, a friend will come against that and speak light into your situation. A friend will encourage you not destroy you. A friend will speak truth into your life when all you believe is lies. When that guy or girl is not right for you a friend will speak truth instead of letting you live in a dark place. The NIV Proverbs 3:3, “Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.” Treating a person with compassion and love does not mean we negate truth to do so. This simple means we operate without anger or hate. You can speak truth without pain and still get the point across. Be intentional in your message and be compassionate in your tone. So, what are the key points when analyzing our friends? The qualities of a friend are easy to find in the bible, so I will give them to you one last time.

1.       Sticks Close – Proverbs 18:24
2.       Loyal/Faithful – Proverbs 17:17, 3:3
3.       Love – Proverbs 3:3

Don’t find yourself treating others bad because they don’t fall into the friend category. We have also been instructed to love thy neighbor. In the same token, we also cannot find ourselves calling everyone our friend, because they simply don’t fit into that category. Most of those we know are acquaintances of ours, we know them by association. We may spend time with them yet it does not qualify them as a friend. Begin to pray God will open your eyes to who your select few friends are, and know your relationship status with them is more than a coincidence, God has strategically placed them in your life for a purpose to help you walk out your journey. Pray with them and for them consistently and never forsake a good friend.